Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I'm Six!!

My mother worried herself sick,
wondering what I'd be able to say and
if I'd be able to play...
Now I am six and I play
and talk all day!
Happy Birthday, AJ!
My Dad always decorates my cake.

My favorite thing about Daddy is.....
he put Angry Birds on the computer!

I think....when I grow up I
want to be a "fix the heart doctor."

A new backpack...
I'm going to co-op this year at Holy Trinity.
I'm so excited!

I love this racetrack.
I like to watch the cars go around and around.
Yep, that's still a favorite!

I'm good at building things. I can follow directions now.
I still need some help but
can do a lot of it on my own.
I love legos too. I'm very creative.

I love dinosaurs...and my sisters. Oh, and my doctor thinks it's
cool that we all sit in the  'W' formation. See Dr, it's in our blood!

"I'm gotta put this on."

"right now." I'm not very patient yet.
I like to have my way. Right now. When I'm stuck, I'm stuck!

I can get myself dressed by myself though.
I'm still working on buttons, but I try.
I don't like underwear very much.
"Too itchy..."

And I am learning to write. I like to use a pencil "grabber" that
corrects my finger positioning but this year I'm willing to try without it.
I can color inside the lines. I can finally use a pair of scissors, and I like cutting paper.

I know my alphabet, the sounds the letters make, and can put
words together to form sentences.
My mom and sisters think I can read and just pretend not to..hmm..
I'm working on it.
Shapes and Colors are a snap. I don't like numbers very much.
I get bored counting and usually mix some of them up.
But I do know the numbers in print!
I can tell you place value..tens, hundreds and thousands.

I'm doing great! I still have movement episodes
and my brain still gets stuck, but I'm headed in the right direction.

Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. God bless your precious AJ on his 6th birthday and always:)


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