Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring has sprung!

This month the weather has been so sporatic with a lot of rain one day, sunny skies the next. We'll pull out our shorts and put away our heavy coats only to wake up to snow! But this weeekend, the weather was great and it gave us a chance to really enjoy the outdoors. Of course, we are limited to how far we can actually go out doors becasue the neighborhood swan has plopped herself right down in our yard, but none-the-less we had great time!

The turtles are laying eggs.

I found this robin nest in my hanging basket.

The calves will show up anytime. We can hear the mommas!

Matilda and her new mate with 2 eggs!
"Boys say picnics.....

girls say tea!"

1 comment:

  1. It's no wonder she lost and egg, you've got her real name out there. You could at least call her Martha!


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