Monday, February 18, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I know it's not Thursday but this is one of those drafts that hasn't made it out. 
It will serve as a person reminder to me to not doubt and to remain faithful.

Over the Christmas holiday I had some strange pains in my left side, high on the rib cage. I went to the doctor who thought it was due to the disc damage I inflicted upon myself this year moving! None-the-less- because we "have a history" of breast cancer he sent me off for a mammogram. The radiologist there then sent me for an ultrasound. From there, she proceeded to tell me in a very urgent tone that I had two masses, one on each side that she thought needed to come out " immediately, the sooner, the better."

Here's what I've learned since that day...

  • I consider myself very blessed to have moved where we did, when we did. I met a beautiful new friend who has fought the breast cancer battle this year and is doing good. She recommended her surgeon and he saw me within days. I was thrilled when my friend told me the two of them prayed together prior to her surgery.
  • Dr. B saw me and said we should biopsy but we should also not be worried. He didn't think they looked like something I needed to worry about.
  • Most radiologists probably should stay in the film room reading films and let someone else come tell the  patient what's going on. That particular radiologist sent me into a panic! (Although I do know one radiologist who happens to be a great communicator.)
  • When I returned for my biopsy a couple of weeks later those masses could not be found on one side, and had changed so much on the other side Dr. B thought we could just keep an eye on them. 
Deo Gratias!


  1. Oh my goodness! How terribly frightening for you to have gone through that emotional roller coaster. Prayers are so powerful! So glad to hear that things are improving as they are.

    1. Thank you Patty! I'm so glad you stopped by. Prayer works. No doubt.

  2. Kara, this exact thing happened to me last year! (Except only 1 large mass on one side) The radiologist showed me on the screen how big it was and I was sent into a panic as well. When the Dr. read it later, he said no biopsy necessary right now but check back in 6 mos. Just the way it was handled was not my cup of tea, to say the least! You will be in my prayers for continued good news! I can share your thankfulness:)

    1. Why do they do that? Do they think if they act calm no one will follow up?
      I'm sure you handled it much better. I was very disappointed in my behavior. Really.
      Instant, "why?" "what about my children?" I consider myself to be very strong in my faith. HA! Let me tell you, I was pitiful. Plain ol' pitiful...I sank right then and there faster than you can imagine!
      Oh, bother, I have such a long way to go!!!!

    2. Oh, I wasn't such a champ either! I sunk too. Later I DID call to file a grievance about the way it was handled...It was just so upsetting the way they made it sound like it was this mountainous tumor! The initial shock sent me reeling and then I could circle around in faith a little later. We are just human, aren't we? We may have a long way to go but at least we keep trying:) Peace and prayers, my friend!

  3. Oh, my gosh, how scary. Prayer. The power of prayer, miracles happen all around us don't they? So happy things are looking better.

    1. You see lots of miracles at your house. And you're such a champ about everything! Prayers, prayers and more prayers, right?!


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